
China Consultancy's Competencies

China Consultancy's Competencies
China Consultancy's Services

The objectives of China Consultancy are to improve Sino-western and South East Asian-western communication and cooperation. In order to achieve this China Consultancy provides the following services:

    • International and cross-cultural
      training on specific countries and

    • Workshops on diversity, inclusion
      and identity work

    • Cross-cultural negotiation consulting
      and support in negotiations

    • Individual and cross-cultural
      coaching as much as returnee's

    • International and cross-cultural
      team building and team
      development ("team coaching")

    • Cross-cultural conflict management

Depending on respective contents and the goals of the client our cooperation-enhancing services are implemented as classroom-based onsite venues or offsite measures on different platforms online . We are happy to discuss different options with you.

The services are offered to interested parties in the western world as well as in China and South East Asia. We work on all organizational levels.

Since we are working with both input and the moderation of team experience and it's internal negotiation we are predestined partners for second, third and n-level workshops . You would want to come to us once your cooperation seems to be going downhill and needs a boost.


To us, the term "culture" encompasses various sources of coining influence which people are exposed to during their lives. Parts of national and local cultures play their roles as much as coining elements from corporations, organizations, families, professional groups, social milieus, religious groups etc.. So "cross-cultural work" often translates into "cross-individual work", too.

One of the signature approaches to our work is the intentional waiving of "established cultural dimensions". Reality is by far more complex than these models suggest!

So our work regarding cooperation of cultures and individuals applies to mono-cultural, bi-cultural and pluri-cultural contexts.


The primary geographical focus of China Consultancy is on cooperation between the European | western world and Sino-centric societies.

Sino-centric societies are the societies of South East Asia where the core culture is greatly influenced by original features of Chinese culture or where an influential section of the population in the business community is of Chinese origin. The countries of the European | western world include the countries of northern and western Europe, as well as the USA and Canada:


    PR of China | Hongkong                  Taiwan
        South East Asia

North America     Singapore, Malaysia                Vietnam

In addition to this primary geographical focus, in connection with the above-mentioned core regions trainings are offered which are relevant to countries and cultures of South East Asia which, apart from the Chinese influence, have other cultural elements which are not directly related to Chinese culture:

Thailand, Indonesia
   Laos, Cambodia

For a more global approach to change management, pluri-cultural team building and team coaching, conflict management as well as for moderation and facilitation of these processes, please see our introduction to Coaching Across Cultures (see: Coaching Across Cultures and Open Change Forums).

© Copyright by China Consultancy 2000-23